M1 build fails due to old CMAKE dependency

Our app is using react-native-vision-camera which is dependant on CMAKE 3.10.2 which only seems to be available on x86 for Mac. Since we are not the authors of this package I don’t really know how to proceed. Does anyone know of a workaround?

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Any info here? I’m facing the same issue.
I’m able to build locally fine but that’s because I installed the older NDKs via the Android Studio; the build step install missing android SDK components is failing, so I’m not even sure if I can try and install via sdkmanager CLI. That CLI tool is also failing for me locally because it’s expecting java 17, and I’m using the java 11 openJDK, which I think is being used on the bitrise M1 VMs? brew install cmake only has the latest version too, which installing on an M1 doesn’t seem possible without using the Android Studio’s sdkmanager GUI?

I got in contact with support and they managed to add Cmake 3.10.2 intot the Xcode 14.2 stack so now my builds work!

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