is my helpdesk ticket so staff will be able to see.
I have the issue where on my workflow:
I uploaded my certificate and profile
I created a certification step to verify my certificate and profile and keychain, which it finds the keychain in ~/Library/Keychain/Keychain.db and compiles successfully
I created a step to setup appium and pytest
I created a step to run pytest and pytest runs perfectly, but I am unable to log into my app because of a firebase authentication error, but only on bitrise builds.
I created a build for simulator step, which I install on the simulator and opens.
“An error occurred when accessing the keychain. The @c NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field in the @c NSError.userInfo dictionary will contain more information about the error encountered”
I have been googling like crazy this error, but no matter how it seems to go, I cannot get the bitrise build to see the keychain correctly. Has anyone had experience getting the keychain to work on bitrise builds?