Keyboard doesn't show up with virtual device testing

Hi guys,

I’m using virtual device testing and Espresso to run my UITests but for some reason when I try to click on edit text, the keyboard doesn’t show up.

I can see on the result video back arrow change and looks like keyboard is up but isn’t. I must have the keyboard open to run my tests properly.

I have no problem when I run on my own computer with Gradle.

Is someone has a solution for this ?

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Hi @BastienL,

Is it possible that you use some kind of workaround at that point the bring up the keyboard?

If you could not figure it out please copy paste the related build’s URL and we’ll look into it ASAP! Even better if you can enable Support Access on the Settings tab of the app, helps to speed up debugging :wink:


here the bitrise build link :

Thanks @BastienL!

Couple of questions:

  1. Did you try another device in virtual device testing?
  2. Another Android version?
  3. Is it possible that you use some kind of workaround at that point (where the test fails) to bring up the keyboard?