Hello everyone!
Our Apple Developer certificates have expired recently so we have decided to move away from the old Bitrise certificates management system and switch to the new App Store Connect CLI solution.
Unfortunately after switching to the new solution, when we attempt to build an app that contains an App Clip target we get the following error:
Searching for app ID for bundle ID: com.XXXClientDev.Clip
app ID found: XC com XXXClientDev Clip
app ID capabilities are not in sync with the project capabilities, synchronizing…
failed to update bundle ID capabilities: step does not support creating an application identifier using the “Parent Bundle ID” capability, please add your Application Identifier manually using the Apple Developer Portal.
When we attempt to build from our devices, multiple macOS machines with Xcode 12, directly from Xcode, everything works just fine and from what we could figure all of the relevant certificates are available in App Store Connect but are immediately invalidated when running the Bitrise build.
I am pretty sure we are missing something but I was wondering if anyone with some previous experience can point us in the right direction.
Please feel free to ask any other questions that are needed as I’d be more than happy to provide more details if needed.