Is pushing Pods and Carthage folder a good strategy to reduce build time?

One of our workflows will have a build time that goes past 90 minutes when it doesn’t have any build cache. It needs around 55-60 minutes alone for cloning and building the dependencies, and with the whole Unit, Integration and UI tests, it takes more than 90 minutes. Not to mention building, archiving, and deploying to App Store and Bitrise. My Pods and Carthage folders are 1.2 GB combined. So I was thinking is it better to just push the whole dependencies instead so we don’t need to build them in the CI? What’s the pros and cons for this?


Hello there @bawenang_r :wave:

Caching is a good idea to reduce your build times, especially as far as CocaPods and Carthage is concerned.
It is worth mentioning that cache size is usually an issue around 2GB, as that size can cause more issues with your builds than how much time it saves.
I would definitely recommend giving it a try, as that is the only way you can see for yourself if it works for you or not :slight_smile:

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