Hi. I’m trying to send slack message with @username, but in slack @username appears as plain text - not linked (I have tried 2.7.3 and 2.6.1 versions).
My slack step settings:
| version: 2.7.3 |
- Debug: false
- WebhookURL: *****
- Channel:
- ChannelOnError:
- Text: Last test
- TextOnError:
- IconEmoji:
- IconEmojiOnError:
- IconURL: https://github.com/bitrise-io.png
- IconURLOnError: https://github.com/bitrise-io.png
- LinkNames: true
- Username: Bitrise
- UsernameOnError: Bitrise
- Color: #3bc3a3
- ColorOnError: #f0741f
- PreText:
- PreTextOnError: Build Failed!
- AuthorName:
- Title:
- TitleOnError:
- TitleLink:
- Message: Testing linkify @jt