how can I install gcloud on hybrid stack, so I can upload files to google storage?
I will answer myself, hoping someone else might find it useful. Here is a script that works.
generate a gcloud key.json file, and upload it in the code signings section (workflow screen) - in the generic file section (bottom) and save it as BITRISEIO_GCLOUD_JSON_URL
Have a storage bucket ready and store its name in the GCLOUD_APP_PATH env variable. This is the gs://ā¦ bucket path. (This is optional, to make this script nice. You can paste the path in the script and skip this part).
#!/bin/bash set -ex # install gcloud on a hybrid stack (i.e. mac. Other stacks may have it pre installed) curl https://sdk.cloud.google.com | bash source $HOME/google-cloud-sdk/path.bash.inc # just checking that gcloud command works - remove it if you like. gcloud version # Download the key file stored earlier curl -o /tmp/gcloud.json $BITRISEIO_GCLOUD_JSON_URL # Use the file for authentication gcloud auth activate-service-account -q --key-file /tmp/gcloud.json # taking pakage version from package.json, but any versioning will work PACKAGE_VERSION=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version") # Building the target path. Any scheme will do... TARGET=${GCLOUD_APP_PATH}/${BITRISE_SCHEME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}.ipa # Copy the file from previous step into the target gsutil cp ${BITRISE_IPA_PATH} ${TARGET}
Note, downloading is working exactly the same way, just reverse the order of the source and target in gsutil cp.
Hex @tbarak, thanks for sorting this out!
Iām sure it will be useful for plenty of our users stumbling into the same issue
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