Description of the feature request
In addition to be able to view the artifact generated by bitrise in the build page, I’d like to have it exposed to (for example) Slack.
Use case / for what or how I would use it
I have 2 steps at the end of my workflow:
a step with Fastlane / Snapshot to take a screenshot of my app,
a deploy-to-bitrise step to attach the result to the build.
This is working fine, and I can see the zip file with the correct content attached to my build.
However, I’d like to post the link to the zip file to Slack, so that someone in my team can check the screenshots without checking the builds themselves.
Therefore I added a last step with Slack, giving it the resulting link with $BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL (so I thought).
Unfortunately, the url is empty, because:
is_enable_public_page is set, but public download isn’t allowed for this type of file
So, if we could have a URL to the artifact, whether in $BITRISE_PUBLIC_INSTALL_PAGE_URL or in another variable, that would be great.