Deploy multiple aab (android app bundles) with a single step

Description of the feature request

  • currently it is not possible to deploy multiple android app bundles with a single “Deploy to Google Play” step.
  • add support to deploy multiple android app bundles to with a single “Deploy to Google Play” step.
  • currently it “fails”/warns during the upload:
Found .aab file: /bitrise/deploy/app.aab
Found .aab file: /bitrise/deploy/wear.aab
More than 1 .aab files provided, using the first: /bitrise/deploy/app.aab

Use case / for what or how I would use it

  • The current behavior is problematic for apps that have a phone and a wear app. The Android Build command automatically builds two bundles, one bundle for wear app and another one for the phone app.

Current Behavior

  • it seems that the current implementation of the step just prints the warning and then just proceeds with the first bundle it found, see config.go
  • the “uploading” part of the step however seems to be already build to support multiple android app bundles, see
  • my assumption why the upload of multiple app bundles was just not added from the beginning is that in most cases the app bundle actually replaced the necessity to upload multiple apks. However this is different for wear/phone apps which need to be uploaded as two separate app bundles

Thanks for the feature request, @awenger, sounds like a neat idea :slight_smile:

Any updates on this? This is something that prevents us from using Bitrise for the full release lifecycle.

It is fixed now, see:

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