Change jdk / java version to 11 or above for sonar scanner

Hi I want to change jdk / java version because warning in sonar scanner.

I tried use this solution, but still get warning

I use xcode 11.6 stack with fastlane

can someone help me?

I tried to log see log from that step is shown already using java 14

I also tried to print java -version and jenv version

But somehow when in fastlane sonar scanner using Java 1.8.0_265 AdoptOpenJDK (64-bit)

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same here… any solution?

Just wanted to update here with good news! The stacks now have both openjdk 8 and openjdk 11 installed. By default, openjdk 8 will be active. To change to use openjdk 11, you just need a simple script step. Instructions and what needs to be in the script - - all documented in our devcenter!

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