we have an integration with Fastlane and using Carthage to deal with dependencies.
We are successfully leveraging caching locally to build dependencies only if needed.
However cache is not working when running on the CI, and as a result the dependencies are built every time.
From the logs I can see nothing is being cached during the cache-push step:
| (0) cache-pull |
| id: cache-pull |
| version: 2.0.1 |
| collection: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git |
| toolkit: go |
| time: 2019-02-28T08:27:03-08:00 |
| |
2019/02/28 08:27:06 Cache pull...
2019/02/28 08:27:06 Failed to get download url, error: Build cache not found. Probably cache not initialised yet (first cache push initialises the cache), nothing to worry about ;)
e[33mWARNe[0m[08:27:06] Step (cache-pull) failed, but was marked as skippable
Here’s the workflow definition:
- cache-pull: {}
- certificate-and-profile-installer:
inputs: …
- recursive-touch: {}
- fastlane:
- lane: wip
- cache-push:
run_if: .IsCI
- ignore_check_on_paths: "$HOME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData"
- cache_paths: |-
./Carthage -> ./Cartfile.resolved
Our Fastfile is using a custom script to bootstrap Carthage dependencies (and perform extra manipulations)
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS --configuration Release --cache-builds
Can you help us understand why cache is not working?
FYI I’ve enabled Support Access.
Thank you.