Building iOS framework has different output with local computer

I have successfully setup a continuous delivery for an iOS framework. it compiles the project from the repo and created an output Project.framework file, but when I integrate the framework with an iOS app project it failed with error message like this: “Swift Compiler Error: Missing required modules: ‘Alamofire’, ‘CommonCrypto’, ‘Swinject’”, which I use for internal dependency in the framework.

But strangely, when I compile the framework with my local computer, the output framework can be integrated well and is working fine as expected.

After do some digging with this framework output, I found out there is some slight difference on the fat library using this command:
lipo -detailed_info Project.framework/Project

The output from Bitrise:

Fat header in: Project.framework/Project
fat_magic 0xcafebabe
nfat_arch 4
architecture i386
    cputype CPU_TYPE_I386
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL
    offset 4096
    size 920480
    align 2^12 (4096)
architecture x86_64
    cputype CPU_TYPE_X86_64
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL
    offset 925696
    size 959136
    align 2^12 (4096)
architecture armv7
    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7
    offset 1900544
    size 2296452
    align 2^14 (16384)
architecture arm64
    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM64
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL
    offset 4210688
    size 2296000
    align 2^14 (16384)

The output from local:

Fat header in: Project.framework/Project
fat_magic 0xcafebabe
nfat_arch 4
architecture i386
    cputype CPU_TYPE_I386
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL
    offset 4096
    size 931936
    align 2^12 (4096)
architecture x86_64
    cputype CPU_TYPE_X86_64
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL
    offset 937984
    size 970592
    align 2^12 (4096)
architecture armv7
    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7
    offset 1916928
    size 2296680
    align 2^14 (16384)
architecture arm64
    cputype CPU_TYPE_ARM64
    cpusubtype CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM64_ALL
    offset 4227072
    size 2296224
    align 2^14 (16384)

Notice the different size and offset.

Both bitrise and my computer seems to have same version for each spec:

  • xcodebuild -version. => Xcode 9.4.1 Build version 9F2000
  • xcrun -version => xcrun version 43.
  • xcodeproj --version => 1.5.9
  • xcode-select --version => xcode-select version 2349.
  • carthage version => 0.30.1

The command I use to compile the project is this:
carthage update --no-build --platform ios && carthage build --no-skip-current --platform ios

Is there any step I missed to make sure it compiles the same output?


[[ UPDATE ]]
Turns out there is something I missed in the first place.

So, I wanted to create a library using Carthage dependency manager and planned to make it available for CocoaPods using the binary and private repository. The error “Swift Compiler Error: Missing required modules: ‘Alamofire’, ‘CommonCrypto’, ‘Swinject’ caused by missing dependency in the Pofile of the app.

I guess the size of each architecture doesn’t matter.


As mentioned on our support chat, unfortunately, issues like this in the end require thorough debugging locally for us to understand the nature of. Rest assured, we are looking into it in the mentioned private conversation :wink:

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