I’m trying to build our iOS app.
I’m getting two errors with the xcode Archive step:
Code Signing Error: No profiles for 'io.X.Y' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'io.X.Y'. Automatic signing is disabled and unable to generate a profile. To enable automatic signing, pass -allowProvisioningUpdates to xcodebuild.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.4'
So I go in, and input the ids of the provisioning profile (which is wildcard matched) and the code signing identity in “force signing build settings” and this time I get the errors:
Code Signing Error: X has conflicting provisioning settings. X is automatically signed, but provisioning profile 26cb1012-ac5f-4935-bbe5-75897567065b has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to "Automatic" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.4'
So these seem to confict. First automatic signing is apparently disabled and i need to specify the profile, but then i specify the profile and then it says it’s automatically signed so I don’t need to specify it.
I can’t find the “build settings editor” that is mentioned in error.
Can you advise me how to fix this please?