The latest version on the master branch can do the following things:
$ bitrise-plugins-io --help
Bitrise IO plugin
bitrise-plugins-io [command]
Available Commands:
apps Get apps for user
auth Authenticate
builds Get builds for app
help Help about any command
log Get log of build
version Print version
-h, --help help for bitrise-plugins-io
Use "bitrise-plugins-io [command] --help" for more information about a command.
A revision of what happens if the Personal Access Token expires or is revoked. In short previously the tool just printed the fact without any further steps or help.
From now it prints the fact but also clears out the PAT stored locally, as well as prints at least some guidance what you can do to remediate the issue:
Working on some enhancement for the browse command as well:
It introduces two things:
Print the URL before attempting to open it in a web browser, so that even if the open would fail you can find the URL in the log and copy paste it manually
Introduced a new flag (--open=false) to not to open the URL in the web browser. This mode simply just prints the URL but does not attempt to open it.
artifact list to get a list of artifacts (for a specific build)
artifact show to show data of a specified artifact, including the download URL
and artifact download which “downloads” the artifact. It can only print for now but that can be piped into a file, as well as I’ll add an option to save into file directly once I have some time to finish it