Bitrise fails to build branches with slashes in the name

Bitrise Build Issue Report template

Bitrise fails to build branches with slashes “/” in the name.
Slashes in branch names are a great tool for branch organization.


Where did the issue happen?

If on which stack?
Xamarin Stable with Xcode 8.2, on macOS 10.12 (Sierra)

Which build Step causes the issue and which version of the step?


  • Does a “Rebuild” help? (You can trigger a rebuild from the Build’s page, by clicking the “Rebuild” button in the top right corner of a finished build) : NO
  • Does a rebuild without caches help? (You can remove the Cache:Pull and Cache:Push steps temporarily to not to use the cache, or you can delete all the caches on the Settings tab of the app. : NO
  • If you have multiple different build configurations (workflows), does the issue affect all/more than one? : YES
  • If it’s an issue which happens sporadically, what’s the frequency? (e.g. Once a day ; about x% of the builds) : N/A
  • Does upgrading the build Step to the latest version help? : NO
  • When did the issue start? :

Linux/Android stack builds

Can it be reproduced by running the build locally, after doing a new git clone of the repository into the /tmp directory and running the build from there with the Bitrise CLI ( )? If no, can it be reproduced with Docker (using the same docker images / environment we use on Related guide: .

Other stacks

Can it be reproduced by running the build locally with our CLI ( ), after doing a new git clone of the repository into the /tmp directory and running the build from there with the Bitrise CLI ( )?

Build log

Please attach the build log (you can download the build log from the build’s page, once the build is finished, using the “Download log” button - floating at the bottom right corner of the log viewer), or if you can’t attach the whole log then send the full log through a private channel (e.g. email - ), with a link to the related GitHub issue.

Here’s the part with the issue:

(i) Provided Android Manifest path: Wolf.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
(i) Verson Code: 2822
(i) Version Name:
Version code detected: 3
(i) Version code: 2822
Version name detected: 1.0.3

---- Set Build Version Code:

sed -i.bak “s/android:versionCode=”"${VERSIONCODE}""/android:versionCode=""${CONFIG_new_version_code}""/" ${manifest_file}

---- Set Build Version Code if it was specified:

if ! [ -z “${version_name}” ] ; then
sed -i.bak “s/android:versionName=”"${VERSIONNAME}""/android:versionName=""${version_name}""/" ${manifest_file}
sed: 1: “s/android:versionName=” 
": bad flag in substitute command: ‘W’
| |
| x | set-android-manifest-versions@1.0.5 (exit code: 1) | 5.15 sec |
| Issue tracker: 
jamesmontemagno/steps-set-android-manifest-versions/issues |
| Source: 
:// |

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Hi @andrec,

Thanks for creating this ticket!

Definitely are! We use them a lot ourselves in the team :wink:

Bitrise does not fail for slashes in the branch name.
Our steps can handle slashes in the branches, you won’t have any issue with it.

As you can see it here, this specific step (set-android-manifest-versions) is not maintained by us → you can find its issue tracker link in the log: GitHub - jamesmontemagno/steps-set-android-manifest-versions: Bitrise - auto bump android manifest version numbers

As we don’t have any access to this step/repository, please create an issue ticket on their issue tracker.

If you’d have any questions please let us know!

Ah ok! Thanks!

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