Currently I use the following manual process to get the new Key Hash for my debug builds from Bitrise:
- Download APK
- Open Terminal to directory with downloaded APK
- keytool -list -printcert -jarfile app-debug.apk
- Copy the SHA1 fingerprint (e.g. CD:A1:EA:A3:5C:5C:68:FB:FA:0A:6B:E5:5A:72:64:DD:26:8D:44:84)
- Past the SHA1 fingerprint in this online Hex to base64 tool
- Click ‘Convert’
- Copy the ‘Output (base64)’ value (e.g. ********************=)
- Past the base64 value into the app Facebook Settings page
- Click ‘Save’
This then allows the debug build to work. My question is this. Is there a better/automated way to do this?