New outputs
BITRISE_SIGNED_APK_PATH: This output will include the path of the signed APK. If the build generates more than one APK this output will contain the last one’s path.
BITRISE_SIGNED_APK_PATH_LIST: This output will include the paths of the generated APKs If multiple APKs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with |
character, for example, app-armeabi-v7a-debug.apk|app-mips-debug.apk|app-x86-debug.apk
BITRISE_SIGNED_AAB_PATH: This output will include the path of the signed AAB. If the build generates more than one AAB this output will contain the last one’s path.
BITRISE_SIGNED_AAB_PATH_LIST: This output will include the paths of the generated AABs. If multiple AABs are provided for signing the output paths are separated with |