Add search (& filter?) option to build list

Description of the feature request

We would love to be able to enter some search text to refine which builds are shown in the main list. It could be as simple as entering ‘master’ or a commit message…and it would only show builds with that text. Perhaps there would be radio buttons to select the search field - branch / commit msg / other?

Use case / for what or how I would use it

We are creating a lot of different apps - bitrise is awesome. However we would love to be able to search for a specific commit message (sent in curl) as we are using that to mark builds with which app is getting built. This allows us to reference the builds by looking for the name of an app - but it’s a slow process looking though and searching each page under the builds list.

P.S. It would also be great if the ‘<1.2.3…93.94>’ numbers at the bottom could take the entire width of the page displaying way more numbers and not have so many '…'s

Awesome idea, thank you @julesburt for creating this #feature-request ! :slight_smile:

Stay tuned, we’re already working on some revisions of the build list page :wink:

@julesburt the first iteration just went out into production - let us know what you think! :slight_smile:

Actually, today I’d noticed the build page was a loooong list…but hadn’t fully realized why!

Well Viktor - that is amazing (since I only asked yesterday) and it’s also exactly what we needed.

Great job Bitrise…and super customer response/support!


p.s. now how about those build priorities? :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear you like it! :wink: It’s been in the works for quite some time now. Fun fact, this is the first page/feature which uses directly, the new completely rewritten api :wink:

We’ll keep working and prioritizing tasks; vote on the Feature Requests s you like :wink:

We had to roll back this feature temporarily while we fix an issue, will be available again soon :wink:

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It’s in production again, hopefully we won’t have to roll it back again (we don’t plan to :stuck_out_tongue: ) :wink:

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