Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (Jun 2019)

Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (Jun 2019)

Changelog of Bitrise

We ship a new bitrise cli version on the second Tuesday of every month. The new release will be available on the virtual machines on the weekend after the CLI release, unless we discover any serious bug/regression.

Read on to learn more about this month鈥檚 Bitrise CLI release and about the changes around Bitrise tools and steps.

New version of Bitrise CLI (1.31.0)

1. Tools update

  • stepman version bumped to 0.11.6
  • envman version bumped to 2.2.4

2. Default plugins update

  • workflow-editor plugin version bumped to 1.1.57

New steps

  • xctest-html-report 0.1.3

Step updates

  • android-build 0.10.0:
    • New inputs:
      • build type: Select which build type should the step generate (APK or AAB)
      • app artifact (.apk, .aab) location pattern: Will find the APK or AAB files - depending on the build type input - with the given pattern.
    • Deprecation note:
      • aPK location pattern input is deperecated and will be removed on 20 August 2019.
      • use the App artifact (.apk, .aab) location pattern input instead.
      • no inputs were removed and all previously configured workflows will function as before.
    • Migration guide:
      • in case a non-default input value for APK location pattern was used in the workflow, the step will print a warning in the log. Copy the values of these inputs to App artifact (.apk, .aab) location pattern respectively and clear the values of the deprecated input.
      • if the default input value of the input was used, no action is necessary. The step will not print a warning in the log
  • android-unit-test 0.11.0:
    • fixed: Build failing with the latest version #14
    • new input: is_debug
    • an index out of bounds error arose when users have test results picked up, that are not Android related and cannot be linked to a variant. This is now fixed.
    • an is_debug input variable has been added, which logs extra information about the exported test result paths, to help uncover any future issues
  • cache-push 2.2.0:
    • the archive includes a new file (archive_info.json), storing the stack ID if running on Bitrise CI. This is part of the effort to ignore the cache in case the stack has changed
  • deploy-to-bitrise-io 1.4.2:
  • flutter-installer 0.11.0:
    • fixed the installation issues due to the error:
      switching channels failed with error code 1.
      failed to set flutter channel, error: exit status 1
    • added a new input: Update to the latest version (is_update). If set to false a preinstalled Flutter can be used, if it is from the same channel as specified in the Flutter SDK git repository version (version) input.
    • by default it is set to true, so the latest version from a Flutter channel is used.
    • added a new input: Flutter SDK installation bundle URL (installation_bundle_url). It can be used to install Flutter from an installation bundle. This can be much faster than the previous method of cloning the Flutter git repository. (This is case if the Flutter SDK git repository version (version) input is used.)
    • by default this option is not used.
    • the list of available bundles:
  • google-play-deploy 1.6.1:
    • new input introduced for specifying the Android app path: App file path (app_path ). APK file path (apk_path ) input is deprecated
    • App file path step input parsing fix
  • gradle-runner 1.9.0:
    • added two new inputs: APK and AAB file include filter (app_file_include_filter) and APK and AAB file exclude filter (app_file_exclude_filter). These behave similarly to the now deprecated APK file include filter (apk_file_include_filter) and APK file exclude filter (apk_file_exclude_filter). The difference is that app_file_include_filter now searches for aab artifacts in addition to apk by default, and accepts multiple file filter patterns.
    • the artifacts are now looked up by matching the input glob patterns to the absolute path of the files in the current directory. This replaces directly running the command find -path "include" ! -path "exclude".
    • Deprecation note:
      • APK file include filter and APK file exclude filter are now deprecated, and will be removed in a next major version. No inputs were removed and all previously configured workflows will function as before.
    • Migration guide:
      • in case a non default input value for APK file include filter and APK file exclude filter was used in the workflow, the step will print a warning in the log. Copy the values of these inputs to APK and AAB file include filter and APK and AAB file exclude filter respectively.
      • clear the values of the deprecated inputs.
      • if the default input values of the inputs was used, no action is necessary. The step will not print a warning in the log
  • project-scanner 3.1.0:
    • react Native Expo scanner merged to the Plain React Native scanner.
    • flutter scanner will not search for Flutter projects in node_modules directories
  • set-xcode-build-number 1.0.8:
    • Maintenance*
    • update for the new release flow
    • provide the sample app to the test workflow, so it is possible to test it in every environment
    • update plist_path description
  • sign-apk 1.3.0:
    • deprecated apk_path input
    • new input: android_app
    • new outputs: bitrise_signed_aab_path, bitrise_aab_path
    • renamed step to Android Sign
    • the apk_path input is deprecated and will be removed on 20 August 2019. The new android_app should be used instead.
    • previous version exported APKs and AABs into the same variables. This release separates them into different output variables.
    • the changes were made because apk_path could contain AAB paths, not just APKs. Also, the new input android_app defaults to receive outputs from similarly updated steps, where AAB and APK outputs have been separated
  • slack 3.1.3:
    • change the warning log if both of the webhookURL and API token are provided

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