Problem definition
Today our team started to face the issues with Bitrise builds. It’s reproductive for each workflow and GitHub branch we tried so far.
It looks like long preparation process for starting the flow (around 20-25 min) then the build fails in an aborted state. Once the current build gets aborted previously aborted build gets restarted and fails again (falling in the aborted state). It’s kind of an infinite loop of aborting-restarting.
The error I see is "Internal error: failed to create or connect to the perfect build environment. Don’t worry, build should restart soon."
I can’t attach logs because there is no logs (the build even not starting) but I can share the build parameters:
{"commit_hash":"6xxx8","commit_message":"Merge pull request #xxx from xxx/dev\n\nRC","tag":"x.x.x","diff_url":"","commit_paths":[]}
Where did the issue happen?
Android & Docker, on Ubuntu 16.04
Which build Step causes the issue and which version of the step?
It happens right after “Preparation” step.
- Does a “Rebuild” help? – NO
- Does a rebuild without caches help? – NO
- Does the issue happen sporadically, or every time? – every time.
- Does upgrading the build Step to the latest version help? – build never reach the build steps.
- When did the issue start? – 4h ago.
Local reproduction
No, it starts fine via CLI.
Local reproduction: Linux / Android (docker based) stack builds
No, it starts fine via CLI.
Build log
There is no log. Build never started.