XCov Fastlane not found .xccoverage file

Xcov of fastlane not found the file .xccoverage, i try some many change but all the time not work…

i have open access for Bitrise assistance. build #460

i have this error on Bitrise

[09:00:02]: Unable to find any .xccoverage file.
[09:00:02]: Make sure you have enabled 'Gather code coverage' setting on your scheme settings.
[09:00:02]: Alternatively you can provide the full path to your .xccoverage file.
[09:00:02]: Sending crash report...
[09:00:02]: The stack trace is sanitized so no personal information is sent.
[09:00:02]: To see what we are sending, look here: /Users/vagrant/.fastlane/latest_crash.json
[09:00:02]: Learn more at https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/opt_out_crash_reporting/
[09:00:02]: You can disable crash reporting by adding `opt_out_crash_reporting` at the top of your Fastfile
[09:00:02]: An error occurred while executing the `error` block:
[09:00:02]: undefined method `error_info' for #<NoMethodError:0x00007fe09acfd8c0>

and this is my fastlane file

  desc "Test and covorage and repport"
  lane :test do

    #swiftlint(output_file: "#{ENV["SCAN_RESULTS_PATH"]}/swiftlint.txt",
             #config_file: ENV["SWIFTLINT_PATH"],
             #ignore_exit_status: true)
    #sh("cd .. && lizard #{ENV["LIZARD_SOURCES_PATH"]} -l swift --xml > #{ENV["SCAN_RESULTS_PATH"]}/lizard-report.xml")

  desc "Scan"
  lane :test_scan do
      configuration:      ENV["CONFIGURATION"],
      workspace:          ENV["WORKSPACE"],
      scheme:             ENV["SCHEME"],      
      device:             "iPhone 6",
      output_directory:   "./fastlane/scan_output",
      derived_data_path:  ENV["DERIVED_DATA"],
      clean:              false,
      code_coverage:      true,
      result_bundle:      true
    rescue => exception 
      on_error("❌ Fail Lane test_scan 🚩", exception)
    raise exception

  desc "XCov"
  lane :test_cov do
      configuration:                ENV["CONFIGURATION"],
      workspace:                    ENV["WORKSPACE"],
      scheme:                       ENV["SCHEME"],
      output_directory:             "./fastlane/xcov_output",
      html_report:                  true,
      minimum_coverage_percentage:  1.0,
      ignore_file_path:             "./fastlane/.xcovignore",
      slack_username:               "Bitrise CI",
      slack_url:                    ENV["SLACK_URL"],
      derived_data_path:            ENV["DERIVED_DATA"]
    rescue => exception 
      on_error("❌ Fail Lane test_cov 🚩", exception)
    raise exception

My config file is good i check.

So please help me :stuck_out_tongue:

Could you please attach your failed build url?


Did you checked the solutions mentioned in the build log:

[08:09:06]: e[31mUnable to find any .xccoverage file.e[0m
[08:09:06]: e[31mMake sure you have enabled 'Gather code coverage' setting on your scheme settings.e[0m
[08:09:06]: e[31mAlternatively you can provide the full path to your .xccoverage file.e[0m

So Gather code coverage is enabled for your scheme?

Yes i enabled ‘Gather code coverage’

How provide the full path .xccoverage ?

i found any information about that ?

Is not enabling the ‘Gather code coverage solves the issue?
It is a fastlane action, so you can find more infos in fastlane’s docs: https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/xcov/

No Gather code coverag are enable but i have the same issue …

I not found somme attribut for indicate the .xccoverage

This is link of my build i test now

Please report the issue at the fastlane repo, we do not have any control over fastlane actions.

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