Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching

Hi support,

I’am no able to create my archive :(.
I followed the following article “https://devcenter.bitrise.io/code-signing/ios-code-signing/ios-manual-provisioning/” but it does not work.

  1. p12 and provisioning files had been uploaded by your codesigndoc tool
  2. I added the “Certificate and profile installer” step before archive step

but I have the error “Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching…”
I enabled Bitrise support for my project.


Hi @LyraNetwork,

Sorry to hear about these issues, could you please also include a link to your project?

Project: https://app.bitrise.io/app/7dc4af9d9b27f73b

Thx for your help

Of course!

The issue seems to be that you are missing a Development type Provisioning Profile (and certificate as well I think) Xcode will need to a Development provisioning profile for any export method type.

Upload was done by codesigndoc…
Ok, I’m trying to upload manually a dev provisionning profile/certificate.


Sorry, but I have still the same error after uploading dev profile / certificate :frowning:

Best regards

It’s ok. The problem was that carthage lib was not correctly configured into xcode projet.


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Oh I see. Sorry to hear that, but glad you’ve resolved this rather quickly all in all!

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