"Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.company.app'"

This is an ios app xcode code signing issue.

I’m new to most of this, so probably my biggest problem is so many unknowns. I don’t have a mac to run xcode - I started it on a friend’s mac and I’m hoping to continue my development (of which the native portions are minimal) using bitrise ci/cd only for now. My bitrise workflow steps are set to “Always use latest” for everything. I’m also using the latest High Sierra stack.

I have an apple developer account and I’ve uploaded my provisioning profile and code signing certificate to bitrise in the workflow code signing tab. Getting through those steps are harder to do without a mac, but I think I completed them correctly. This is the log from my failing build - the certificate-and-profile-installer succeeds, seeming to list the very Provisioning Profile that xcode later reports not being able to find. My pbxproj file’s DEVELOPMENT_TEAM matches MY development team company id and PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER matches the provisioning profile’s “com.company.app”. What else might be misaligned to have this symptom?

certificate-and-profile-installer, version: 1.9.2

Downloading certificate: 1/2
Downloading certificate: 2/2
Installing downloaded certificates

(lists them)


Downloading & installing Provisioning Profile(s)
Downloading provisioning profile: 1/2

Development (...)
exportType: development
team: Company LLC (XYZ)
bundleID: com.company.app

Downloading provisioning profile: 2/2



| ✓ | certificate-and-profile-installer                             | 9.81 sec |

But later:

Last lines of the Xcode's build log:
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: No profiles for 'com.company.app' were found:  Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.company.app'. Automatic signing is disabled and unable to generate a profile. To enable automatic signing, pass -allowProvisioningUpdates to xcodebuild.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.4'

Hi @Excurjo,

Unfortunately without the full logs it’s pretty hard to tell why you get that error. In 99% of the cases it’s because of a missing development prov profile.

The issue there is that our usual recommendation is to run our codesigndoc tool on your own Mac where you can sign the app, because if you can sign it there that means that Mac has all the required files, and codesigndoc can collect those.

Codesigndoc related guides:

Based on what you wrote it seems you don’t have access to a Mac machine right now, is that correct?
If it is that might complicate things a bit unfortunately, as most of the official Apple tools (including Xcode) only works on MacOS.

A couple of possible solutions:

Probably there are other solutions as well, but I think either of these should work ( a) use a MacOS VM or similar, make sure you can sign the project there e.g. by Archiving in Xcode.app then run codesigndoc to collect the signing files or b) if the base certificate is available on bitrise.io use the iOS Auto Provisioning fature ).

I hope this helps, if you’d have any questions please let us know! :wink: