Xamarin stacks on Docker Hub?


I’m a noob to Docker and only have a basic understanding of it.

I’m trying to refine a build that is currently running inside the bitriseio/docker-android image. However, we rely on some tooling that isn’t in the image (dotnet and mono, mainly). Whilst I can install that tooling manually each time the image is run from afresh, that seems super wasteful (and time consuming).

I figured if I just use the same images for the Xamarin stacks, I could perhaps get around that, at least for mono. But they don’t seem to be available on Docker Hub.

What is my best recourse here? Is there an easy way for me to get an image that will be compatible with Bitrise that will also contain the tooling I need?


Unfortunately Docker only supports running Linux guests. The MacOS VMs are full vSphere virtual machine images in our private cloud infrastructure.

Best is to install additional tools during the build. Even if you add those to docker images you most likely won’t save significant time, as your custom docker image has to be downloaded every time, only our images are pre-cached on the builders.

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