Weekly Virtual Machine / Stack updates - 2017.03.18


  • Bitrise CLI 1.5.5

Android/Linux stacks

  • SDK tools updated to 25.2.5 & android-25 system image & a couple of constraint-layout packages preinstalled

Xcode stacks

  • Ruby 2.4 on Xcode Edge and on Xcode 8.3.x stacks
  • Xcode 8.3.x stack: Due to brew changes, which had some surprising breaking behavior even if you do a simple brew update (not upgrade just update) we had to rebuild the Xcode 8.3.x stack, so it’s pretty much identical to Xcode Edge (both have the latest versions of all the preinstalled tools), the only difference is Xcode version.

Xamarin stacks

This week’s changes (diffs)

Stack System Reports

You can find the full system report of all of the available Stacks on GitHub: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise.io/tree/master/system_reports.

If you’d like to add additional tools to be pre-installed you can find the instructions on GitHub, for both the Linux and for the macOS stacks.

Information about Stack types & update schedules can be found here: discuss.bitrise.io/t/281.

Happy Building!

All stacks passed our tests and ready for tomorrow’s deploy :rocket:

New stacks deployed and are available in production now :tada: