Weekly Virtual Machine / Stack Updates - 2019.05.18


Bitrise CLI Update

Android/Linux stacks

  • Google Cloud SDK updated from 245.0.0 to 246.0.0

Xcode stacks

  • No significant change

Visual Studio for Mac stacks

Hybrid stacks

  • No significant change

This week’s changes (diffs)

Stack System Reports

You can find the full system report of all of the available Stacks on GitHub: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise.io/tree/master/system_reports.

If you’d like to add additional tools to be pre-installed you can find the instructions on GitHub, for both the Linux and for the macOS stacks.

_Information about Stack types & update schedules can be found here: https://devcenter.bitrise.io/infrastructure/stack-update-and-removal-policy_

All stacks passed our tests and scheduled to be deployed on Saturday.

Happy Building!

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