Description of the issue
I’ve created a jacocoTestReport
and a sonarqube
gradle task in my Android project. I can execute them locally on my machine and push a combined coverage report for the complete test suite, i.e. unit-, robolectric- and instrumented tests. The instrumented tests run on a locally spawned Android emulator. The psuh to SonarQube is successful and includes the complete coverage report.
When trying to execute the sequence jacocoTestReport
and sonarqube
on Bitrise, I end up with empty code coverage information on SonarQube. This is most certainly related to the following error I see in the logs:
Report doesn't exist: '/bitrise/src/app/build/reports/jacoco/jacocoTestReport/jacocoTestReport.xml'
I need to upload the xml report to SonarQube, since the latest versions reject ec/exec files due to their proprietary format.
My jacocoTestReport
step most likely fails because it does not find the ec files from the instrumented tests – although I wonder why not least the exec file generated by the unit tests is used.
Since I am aware that the Virtual Device Testing step runs the tests on Firebase Test Labs, I guessed that the problem must be related to the ec files not being transferred back to the Bitrise VM. I found someone who claims to have solved this here: Bitrise configuration + Jacoco for Junit + Instrumentation tests + Vitual Device Testing · GitHub
So I tried using the environment variables coverage=true
and coverageFile=/sdcard/
for Firebase Test Labs, and adjusted my gradle files to look in the VDTESTING_DOWNLOADED_FILES_DIR
directory, but without success. I found indications that I should better use coverageFilePath=/sdcard/
since the location might differ. But that did not work out either.
In the test run logs I found jacoco errors complaining about not having write access. According to /jacoco.exec: open failed: EROFS (Read-only file system) (again, with solution) · Issue #968 · jacoco/jacoco · GitHub I created a
with output=none
to avoid fallbacks. But no luck, still no coverage files in the downloaded testing dir – only logcat-dumps, mp4 videos of the testing process, ogg sound recordings, some testsuite xmls (nothing jacoco related) and some other result/summary files (nothing jacoco related).
Here’s the current configuration I’'m using:
jacoco Gradle:
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
jacoco {
toolVersion "0.8.5"
task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: "test${coverageFlavor}DebugUnitTest") {
group = "Reporting"
description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports"
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
def fileFilter = [
def debugTree = fileTree(dir: "${buildDir}/intermediates/app_classes/${coverageFlavor}Debug", excludes: fileFilter)
def mainSrc = "${project.projectDir}/src/main/java"
[fileTree(dir: project.buildDir, includes: [
[fileTree(dir: "${System.env.VDTESTING_DOWNLOADED_FILES_DIR}", includes: [
bitrise.yml [VDT step]
- virtual-device-testing-for-android:
- environment_variables: |-
- directories_to_pull: "/sdcard/"
- download_test_results: 'true'
- use_verbose_log: 'true'
- test_type: instrumentation
- inst_use_orchestrator: 'true'
- test_devices: |-
- num_flaky_test_attempts: '1'
What am I doing wrong?
Android & Docker, on Ubuntu 16.04
Involved steps: Virtual Device Testing / Gradle Tasks for jacocoTestReport
and sonarqube
- the issue happens all the time
- the issue was there from beginning
- all steps are used in the latest version