Upload to Azure Mobile Center step

Because HockeyApp is moving away, we want to be able to deploy our ipa/apk to Azure Mobile Center instead.
Any idea if you will support this as a step?

Thanks for the #feature-request @stefandevogelaere!

Not on our roadmap right now, but if anyone wants to contribute this step we’d be happy to accept it or even to help with that if you’d create it similar to the HockeyApp step, preferably as part of the community github org https://github.com/bitrise-community

Otherwise we’ll try to make some time for this but can’t commit to a date yet.

I have been using the Xamarin Test Cloud step to trigger device test runs off bitrise, which has been awesome. Now my Test Cloud subscription is up for renewal, I’ve been told my Microsoft that Test Cloud is essentially deprecated and we should all move to Azure Mobile Center. It seems that everything will stay more or less the same, with the exception of the actual CLI tool:

Anyhow, I’m really hoping you guys will migrate the Test Cloud step to Mobile Center otherwise it will become essentially useless :frowning:

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Thanks for the info @freever! Scheduled an update / preparation for the migration for that step.

Strange, I checked the https://www.xamarin.com/test-cloud site and they don’t seem to advertise that it’s now deprecated…

Yeah it was a surprise to me too. It doesn’t seem to be formally deprecated, but when the sales guy won’t let you buy it then it’s a big hint!

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Ohh, definitely! We’ll check & plan the migration ASAP, thanks again! :wink:

In the meantime, if someone would need a solution right now (before we’d assess the situation and roll out the required changes), you can install the mobile center CLI in a Script step and then use that to upload to mobile center: https://github.com/Microsoft/mobile-center-cli

@viktorbenei I started going down this road this morning but it looks like they want to force interactive login (where it gets a token back via web browser). Any suggestions?

Error: this environment requires interactive login, do not use the --user or --password switches

Try to locate where the cli saves the login credentials on your Mac/PC (usually it’s in $HOME/.xyz) and just generate the same file on bitrise.io to the same location ($HOME/…)

Thanks @viktorbenei. This got me pretty far, but to upload symbols and releases I needed to use the --token argument with an API token generated from the profile page. Good to go now!

Just posting here in case someone else runs into the same.

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Awesome, thank @cball!

Do you have an example script/call which you could share here?

  1. Generate a token for bitrise here.

  2. Shell Script Step:

npm install -g mobile-center-cli
  1. Upload Step (after artifacts have been built):
# Upload iOS ipa & crash symbols
mobile-center crashes upload-symbols -s $BITRISE_DSYM_PATH --app $MOBILE_CENTER_IOS_APP --token $MOBILE_CENTER_TOKEN

# Upload Android apk

It looks like all of the cli commands take --token as an argument so you shouldn’t have to save the credentials file.


Perfect, thank you @cball! :slight_smile: