Upload Dsyms to Bugsnag Issues

I’m having issues uploading dSyms to Bugsnag and was hoping for some advice. I’m also asking on the Bugsnag end.
Right now I’m running a shell script to upload dSyms and every time I get the response: “No dSYMs found to process”. Not sure why. Below is the script I’m using after trying a number of different approaches, I went back to this probably way too simple approach.

curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/ -F "dsym=@$BITRISE_DSYM_PATH" -F "apiKey=$bugsnag_api_key"

and here’s what I see in the console:

   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

 0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0

 100 4832k  100    25  100 4832k     37  7341k --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 7344k
No dSYMs found to process

According to the Bugsnag docs the zip file should be sufficient unless the zip file from the path is not the same as the AppStoreConnect archive?

  • dsym - The dSYM file to upload as a form-data file upload. Can be either:
    • A single dSYM binary file. Within a .dSYM directory, the binary is located in Contents/Resources/DWARF and generally has the same base name as the .dSYM file itself.
    • An archive (zip) containing multiple .dSYM directories (as downloaded from App Store Connect).

I’ve also tried iterating over the $BITRISE_DSYM_DIR_PATH and uploading each, which yielded the console output below.

+ dsym_dir=/var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908
+ ls /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Emergent.app.dSYM /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/EmergentUtilities.framework.dSYM /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/TacticalBoard.framework.dSYM
+ read line
+ echo 'Uploading /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM:'
Uploading /var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM:
+ echo 'Running: curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/ -F '\''dsym=@/var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM:'\'''
Running: curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/ -F 'dsym=@/var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM:'
+ curl https://upload.bugsnag.com/ -F dsym=@/var/folders/yy/6kcn9mkd5svdbqnznwf474f00000gn/T/__dsyms__455982908/Bugsnag.framework.dSYM: -F apiKey=[REDACTED]
curl: (26) Failed to open/read local data from file/applicatio

Anybody out there figure this out? The only Bitrise steps I’ve found are old and the dSym archives are no longer available from AppStoreConnect.