iOS dSym files download or upload


Is there a possibility to download the dSym files generated in the Xamarin.Archive step?

$BITRISE_DSYM_PATH - The created iOS file’s path


A step to upload dSym files to HockeyApp after the iOS build?

Any information regarding this would be very helpful

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Do you have the Deploy to step in your workflow?
You can attach any file to the build with that -> docs:

Thanks for the quick response.

We haven’t configured a Deploy to step yet.

Exact situation:

  1. We have an iOS application (bitcode is not enabled) and we would like to generate crash logs/stack trace for production version of the app.
  2. For that we need to upload dSym files to HockeyApp(previously: Xamarin.Insights) to symbolicate the crash logs.
  3. As the build and deploy to TestFlight is automated on Bitrise we would like to have functionality that enables us to Either
    • Download dSym files after the build (we upload them manually to HockeyApp)
    • Bitrise should upload the dSym directly to HockeyApp (may be a dedicated step?)

From what I understood from your replay:

  1. We should configure a Deploy to step to deploy $BITRISE_DSYM_PATH to output which will be available in individual builds Apps & Artifacts section

Is that correct?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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Usually it’s enough to just drop in the Deploy to step, no config required.
Tech details: the default config of the Deploy to step is to deploy the content of the $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR, and our Xcode steps move the dSYM ZIP into that directory, so no additional config is required / you don’t have to specify the ipa path directly for deploy.

For AppStore/iTunes Connect you have to download the dSYM from iTunes Connect. When you submit the app there, the Apple/iTunes Connect servers will “recompile” the app, and so the dSYM you originally get from Xcode during the build/archive won’t match with the IPA you (or any user) download from the AppStore/iTunes Connect. iTunes Connect provides the recompiled dSYMs, you should download it from there (you can download it from too).

That said, if you have Bitcode disabled for the AppStore/iTunes Connect build, then the dSYM generated during the build should be fine too, the things I described above (recompile on Apple servers) should only happen if Bitcode is enabled (which is the default).

Thanks @viktorbenei,

The dSYM files are available to download as required.

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Hey victor. I enabled the Deploy step, but no artifacts are being uploaded anywhere… I do see on the logs that both the IPA and dSYMS are being generated, but the artifacts page is still empty… any ideas?

Hi @fleetmode!

Could you send us a log file our a build URL to look into this for you? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll close this topic

@fleetmode please create a new topic if you’d need help with that issue, as it doesn’t seem to be related to the original question :slight_smile:

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