Unity to Apple Vision Pro Workflow


Has anyone been successful in creating a workflow for building Unity projects to Apple Vision Pro?

I’m stuck after building the Xcode project from Unity because the next step “Xcode Archive and Export for iOS” always fails, because it’s not able to find the exported Xcode build from Unity. This happens even though my “exportPath” in “Create Xcode Project” step is the same as the “projectPath” in the “Xcode Archive and Export for iOS” step.

Please let me know if anyone’s dealt with anything similar!
Thank you

Hi @NairahML - thanks for reaching out.

Can you please raise a support ticket here https://support.bitrise.io/hc/en-us/requests/new and a member of the support team will investigate.

Please also enable support access so they can look at your app - Enabling the Bitrise Support Access for your app - Bitrise Docs

Thank you!

Also, did you by any chance check out the Remote access - Bitrise Docs feature to try to discover the problem?

Hey there @NairahML :wave:

Our API use to manage code signing does not yet support VisionOS, but an option we have is to add the Certificate and Profile Istaller step before, and then the Xcode Archive & Export for iOS step which supports visionOS when using Xcode-managed code signing option checked in Xcode project settings. :slight_smile:

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Amazing thank you, will try that!