Unable to use Xcode Build for testing : Error Process config: failed to find build project: archive action not defined for scheme: Scheme


I’m encountering the following problem "Process config: failed to find build project: archive action not defined for scheme: " when I’m using Xcode Build for testing step.

I used automatic sign in with apple id first then api key without success.
I enable archive in my Scheme :

Here is my build number : 20594.

Could you please help on that case ?

Thank you very much

Hi @Mantonelli1 - thanks for reaching out.

Can you please raise a support ticket here https://support.bitrise.io/hc/en-us/requests/new and a member of the support team will investigate.

Please also enable support access so they can look at your app - Enabling the Bitrise Support Access for your app - Bitrise Docs

Thank you!