Stride integration

Description of the feature request

It’d be nice to have a Stride integration

Use case / for what or how I would use it

It’d be used just the way Slack integrations work

Hi @Czajnikowski,

Thanks for the #feature-request! :slight_smile:

Atlassian Stride, Atlassian’s Slack competitor right?

Added the #contrib-this-feature tag to this #feature-request as this step can be created by the community - happy to help with that if you’d have any questions! :wink:

Hi @Czajnikowski,

I just wanted to add a quick note here: Slack announced yesterday that it acquired HipChat (and Stride with it) and all users will eventually be migrated to Slack. Related article:

In this case we can’t commit to adding Stride to our library ourselves, since it will be discontinued, however if anyone would like to contribute the integration in the meantime, we of course would be glad to accept it.