Special Thanks to Early Adopters of Release Management

Release Management is now moving from beta to General Availability (GA), with new plans launching in May:

Basic Plan: Continue enjoying key features of Release Management at no cost. The basic plan of Release Management remains accessible to all Bitrise users, allowing you to manage releases for unlimited mobile applications without cost. It’s a perfect starting point for getting acquainted with the basic functionalities of Release Management.

Standard Plan: Automate your releases, save time, and reduce manual work. The standard plan includes the features of the basic plan and offers additional automation options. It is tailored for users seeking to fully automate release management, saving time and reducing manual efforts.

Read all about the new basic and standard plans here.

Special thanks to early adopters for their help during the beta period of Release Management.

As a bonus, early adopters will receive a free 3-month grace period for the standard plan of Release Management. This offer is our way of thanking you for your support so that you can enjoy full access to the paid features in May, June, and July at no cost.

Who is an early adopter of Release Management?

Being an early adopter means your workspace has completed at least one release in your connected app before May.

We wanted to thank all of our users for helping with the development of Release Management during the beta phase. So, we’ve decided that any Bitrise workspace that has at least one completed release for at least one of their connected apps will count as an early adopter. It doesn’t matter if the first release was just finished a few weeks ago or back in 2022.

Does the grace period belong to my Bitrise account or my Bitrise workspace?

The grace period applies to the workspace, as we believe releasing to the App Store or Google Play is teamwork. We wanted to reward the whole workspace with free, unlimited standard licenses.

Will the newly added connected apps be included in the grace period?

Yes. During the grace period, early adopter workspaces will have unlimited standard licenses, and all of their connected apps, including newly added ones, will be assigned standard licenses, granting them access to the features of the standard plan.

What will happen after the grace period?

After the grace period, your connected apps’ licenses will automatically revert to basic licenses. If you’re not ready to use the features of the standard plan, feel free to continue using Release Management with the basic plan for all of your connected apps at no cost.

Will I be charged for my connected apps after the grace period automatically?

Rest assured, there will be no automatic charges during or after the grace period. This grace period is a gift from us to you in appreciation of your contribution during the Release Management beta.

Can I buy standard licenses for my connected apps after the grace period?

Yes, of course. You will have the option to purchase standard licenses for all or only some of your connected apps after the grace period. Alternatively, if you’re not ready for the features of the standard plan, feel free to continue using Release Management with the basic plan for all of your connected apps at no cost.

Thanks again for your contribution to the Release Management beta and the development of a new tool that makes mobile app releases a bit better experience.