Show name and surname in Organization Groups list / page

Description of the feature request

Would be nice to show the name and surname of the users in the People’s list page.
For an administrator of Bitrise it’s quite hard to understand who the users are as the one thing shown are the nicknames of the users.

Use case / for what or how I would use it

In my organisation a person has left, therefore his bitrise access has to be removed.
The administrator of Bitrise looks at the people’s list page but he just sees nicknames of the users.
Having the name and surname of the user would be much easier to identify the user that has to be removed.

Thanks for the #feature-request @marco.moscatiello! :wink:

P.S.: don’t forget to vote on it! :wink:

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Hi, this feature has been released. Thanks for the feature request :slight_smile:

fantastic! thank u!

Hi, would be good to have the same feature also in the Groups section ?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Makes sense, added to our internal tracker :wink:

Thank you Viktor ! :slight_smile:

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Any time :slight_smile: