Hello bitrise community,
According to Enabling or disabling a Step conditionally, there is a usage of envcontain function to check if the environment variable contains a substring. However, it doesn’t work when I tried to test in my configuration. Could you please verify, is it a outdated feature which was removed or could you help me to find a way how to check if environment variable contains a substring in run_if section?

Hi @akniyet 
is still in the CLI’s code, so it should work: bitrise/bitrise/template_util.go at f5fadde8ae038f6a2b1ca21f82089adfc736d143 · bitrise-io/bitrise · GitHub
I just tested it with the following bitrise.yml
and it worked as expected (Bitrise CLI v2.13.1):
format_version: "11"
default_step_lib_source: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git
project_type: other
- script@1:
run_if: '{{envcontain "MY_TEST_ENV" "B"}}'
title: Do anything with Script step
- script@1:
run_if: '{{envcontain "MY_TEST_ENV" "D"}}'
title: Do anything with Script step
The first step was performed, the second one was skipped:
| (0) Do anything with Script step |
| id: script |
| version: 1.2.1 |
| collection: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git |
| toolkit: bash |
| time: 2024-05-12T17:47:26+02:00 |
| |
+ echo 'Hello World!'
Hello World!
| |
| ✓ | Do anything with Script step | 2.12 sec |
| (1) Do anything with Script step |
| id: script |
| version: 1.2.1 |
| collection: https://github.com/bitrise-io/bitrise-steplib.git |
| toolkit: bash |
| time: 2024-05-12T17:47:28+02:00 |
| |
This Step was skipped, because its "run_if" expression evaluated to false.
The "run_if" expression was: {{envcontain "MY_TEST_ENV" "D"}}
| |
| - | Do anything with Script step (Skipped) | 0.40 sec |
| bitrise summary: primary |
| | title | time (s) |
| ✓ | Do anything with Script step | 2.12 sec |
| - | Do anything with Script step (Skipped) | 0.40 sec |
| Total runtime: 2.52 sec |
Are you sure that you have TEST_KEY
set to a value which includes test value
? (referring to the screenshot you shared)
Hi Viktor, sorry for late response, I found the cause,
As you confirmed it works on workflow checks, however I tried to do on pipeline level, which is not supported yet
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