Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (March 2019)

Changelog of Bitrise

We ship a new bitrise cli version on the second Tuesday of every month. The new release will be available on the virtual machines on the weekend after the CLI release, unless we discover any serious bug/regression.

Read on to learn more about this month’s Bitrise CLI release and about the changes around Bitrise tools and steps.

New version of Bitrise CLI (1.28.0)

1. Fixed an issue where shell terminals were unresponsive on Docker containers run by Bitrise CLI.

2. Fixed an issue where Ctrl+C would shutdown the Bitrise CLI, but any long running processes would remain running in the background.

3. Implemented changes related to build analytics.

4. Tools update

  • stepman version bumped to 0.11.2
  • envman version bumped to 2.2.1

5. Default plugins update

  • workflow-editor plugin version bumped to 1.1.50
  • init plugin version bumped to 1.1.0
  • analytics plugin version bumped to 0.9.15

6. Go dependencies update

New version of Stepman (0.11.2)

  • Go dependencies update

New version of Envman (2.2.1)

  • Go dependencies update

New steps

  • cocoapod-key 1.0.1
  • flank 0.1.0
  • magicpod-ui-test 0.1.0
  • theappspajamas-service-account-key-installer 0.0.3

Step updates

  • bundle-universal-apk 0.0.4:
  • comment-on-github-pull-request 0.9.3:
  • export-ios-to-lingohub 0.0.2:
  • export-lingohub-to-ios 0.0.3:
  • ios-auto-provision 1.3.1:
    • ensure device list in development and ad-hoc profile:
      it will check the downloaded profile if it’s containing all the test devices (for the project type) which were registered on Bitrise.
      this check will run only for development and for ad-hoc profile. ( The other ones don’t have device list. )
    • filter duplicated devices on Bitrise
    • fix the issue with duplicated profiles
      issue fix for There were errors in the data supplied. Please correct and re-submit. Multiple profiles found with the name ...
  • project-scanner 1.8.0:
    • the dependencies updated to the latest version
  • xcode-archive 2.4.21:
    • normalise the scheme’s name before comparing it with the input :
      this will fix the issue which was caused by the case, that different OSX version represents some characters differently.
      e.g: Å„
    • fixed a bug that caused lookup of the .app in the xcarchive to fail, when the scheme name contained the [ character.
      example error message:
      Failed to parse archive, error: failed to find main app, using pattern: /var/folders/ ... /[Alpha] MyApp.xcarchive/Products/Applications/*.app
    • fixed a bug that caused to mark non-executable dependent targets as needing a provisioning profile
  • xcode-build-for-test 0.2.3:
    • issue fix:
      if the user provided custom derived data path for the xcodebuild the step doesn’t used it for the xcodebuild -showBuildSettings command which caused an issue later when the step searched for the generated . xctestrun in a wrong path
  • xcode-test-bundle-builder 0.0.7:

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