M1 migration. Unit tests on iOS are executing 40 mins


After switching to M1, unit tests, on iOS, are execution 40 mins (or slower) instead of 5-10 mins, as it was on Intel.
I thought maybe problem in Xcode tests for iOS step. I made custom script and run this command manualy:

xcodebuild \
 test \
 -scheme $BITRISE_SCHEME \
 -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8 Plus,OS=latest' \
 -testPlan TestPlan | xcpretty

but it didn’t help, it still takes over 40 mins to finish.

is it possible to fix somehow?

What stack do you choose @mhaidan ? Can you share the build url with support access enabled?

Unfortunately I can’t. The Project under NDA, but there is nothing fancy:
Connect to OpenVPN Server → Activate SSH key → Git clone → Cache:Pull → Set Xcode Project Build Number → unit tests

In that case please open a support request here https://support.bitrise.io/hc/en-us/requests/new then we can look into your build properly. Note: I’m from Bitrise’s support team.

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