This URL works without specifying SSH key ID on url line on my laptop because ~/.ssh/config on my laptop has the following section to specify my user name, plus, I believe that we shouldn’t put any user-specific username on .gitmodules to work with team.
Host git-codecommit.*
User AP******************
With this configuration, however, Bitrise tries to fetch codes from the submodule repository using its login username vagrant instead of using my SSH key ID and it makes the build failed.
If you’re cloning across multiple private repositories you need to configure all of them to be accessible via a single shared SSH key. You’ll find the public key Bitrise has set up in your app settings.
Thanks @matthew.jones!
I’m pretty sure that we are using a single SSH key for the all private repos. The problem here is we need to use this username “AP**********” along with the single shared SSH key to access to the private repos. Is there any way to have Bitrise use this specific username for such submodules?
2.) Send me a build slug for a build with this issue. The build slug is the portion of the URL on the log page after /build/. (Don’t just paste the build URL in here, as Discuss will automatically rewrite it to the login page.)