Issue tickets should not be unconditionally closed automatically due to inactivity

Some issue tickets are closed despite that they are unresolved. For example this one:

which has been recently bumped as: Step duplicates artifact files · Issue #72 · bitrise-steplib/steps-gradle-runner · GitHub

They should be perhaps closed only manually after explicitly marking as resolved or maybe automatically due to inactivity of reporter asked for additional data. Not just due to Bitrise staff inactivity.

Hi @koral,

The Bitrise community forum is primarily for the community to help each other. It is not a main method of accessing support for Bitrise, which is why some tickets go unanswered.

I highly recommend you creating a GH issue for bugs and those types of issues and a support ticket through for all other requests:


So IMHO especially, automatic ticket close should not happen, maybe disable it at all?

Hi @koral,

I will bring this up at the next team meeting.

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