Is is possible to modify node modules files in react native app

I want to modify pod-specs by adding homepage URL in node modules.
[!] The RNNativeBridge pod failed to validate due to 1 error:
** - ERROR [REDACTED] attributes: Missing required attribute homepage.**

Hi Sandeep,

Thank you for contacting Bitrise support.

We will investigate this issue and get back to you soon.

Kind regards,

Hi Sandeep,

In order to investigate further, can you please provide a build URL?

Additionally, please enable support access. To enable support access, go to the “Settings” tab for the app. Scroll down to “Enable Bitrise Support User for this app” and toggle the switch located on the right to the on position.

Support access allows us access to information for the app, including your workflows, build logs, and app settings. This allows us to address issues more efficiently, providing quicker resolution. For more information on support access, please click here.

Thank you,

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