iOS - ERROR ITMS-90534 Invalid Toolchain xCode 11.2.x

Description of the issue

By using the newest stack - Xcode 11.2.x we received issue from App Store Connect:

ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with a beta version of Xcode or SDK. Apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What’s New page (Latest News - Apple Developer).


Xcode 11.2.x

Hi @mpluciak!

That’s expected, I don’t believe you’ll be able to deploy to production from beta versions of Xcode.
It’s declared on the bottom of the page here:

You are absolutely right! I know that I cannot publish app using beta version. For me misleading is that:

There should be warning badge “BETA”, I even didn’t notice that 11.2 is still in beta :slight_smile:

1 Like

I’m in same issue, but the stack should not be beta now (ref: Xcode 11.2 (final) is now available!).

What’s wrong??

Xcode 11.2 is deprecated so new uploads need to be prepared using Xcode 11.2.1 GM. It will be probably added to the stack soon.

@tamasbazsonyi @bitce assuming the infra team are on this & we can expect 11.2.1 in a few hours?

hey @tomhall!

They’re aware and planning on releasing it today due to it, so should be a matter of hours indeed :slight_smile:

I received this yesterday, using the following

  • xcodebuildVersion: Xcode 11.2 (Build version 11B52)

ITMS-90534: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What’s New page (Latest News - Apple Developer).

1 Like

I have the same issue for this.
I use Xcode 11.2.x, on macOS 10.14.6 (Mojave) stack will got this error.

parameter ErrorCode = 1102
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (

Use Xcode 10.3.x, on macOS 10.14 (Mojave) stack will all fine.

Here is detail log (part 1 of 2):

| (12) deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader@0.10.1                       |
| id: deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader                               |
| version: 0.10.1                                                              |
| collection:                |
| toolkit: go                                                                  |
| time: 2019-11-07T13:42:46Z                                                   |
|                                                                              |
- IpaPath: /Users/vagrant/deploy/MyProjectDEV.ipa
- PkgPath: 
- ItunesConnectUser: [REDACTED]
- Password: *****
- AppPassword: *****
- APIKeyPath: 
- APIIssuer: 
Get Xcode path
xcode-select "-p"
Xcode path: /Applications/
Uploading - MyProjectDEV.ipa ...
$ xcrun "altool" "--upload-app" "-f" "/Users/vagrant/deploy/MyProjectDEV.ipa" "-u" "[REDACTED]" "-p" "[REDACTED]"
2019-11-07 13:46:39.842 altool[5430:25508]  Error:
[2019-11-07 13:43:40 UTC] <main>  INFO: Configuring logging...
[2019-11-07 13:43:40 UTC] <main>  INFO: Logging level set to eXtreme
[2019-11-07 13:43:40 UTC] <main>  INFO: Transporter is searching for new software components.
[2019-11-07 13:43:40 UTC] <main>  INFO: INFO: using cached repository.xml file.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.httpcomponents.httpclient/4.5.9.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.logging.log4j.jcl/2.11.2.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.logging.log4j.slf4j-impl/2.11.2.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-2>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.httpcomponents.httpcore/4.4.11.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.tika.core/1.18.0.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.felix.main/6.0.1.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <pool-3-thread-2>  INFO: Download complete for: org.apache.tika.parsers/1.18.0.
[2019-11-07 13:43:41 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-2>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for: com.googlecode.plist.dd-plist/1.21.0.
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:42 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:43 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.jackson.module.jackson-module-jaxb-annotations/2.9.6.
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations/2.9.6.
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core/2.9.6.
[2019-11-07 13:43:44 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind/2.9.6.
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.jackson-dataformat-xml/2.9.6.
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.jsoup/1.11.2.
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: com.aspera.faspmanager-osgi/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: org.osgi.impl.bundle.repoindex.lib/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-1>  INFO: Download complete for: stax2-api/3.1.4.
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-3>  INFO: Download complete for: com.fasterxml.woodstox.woodstox-core/5.0.3.
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <pool-3-thread-2>  INFO: Download complete for:
[2019-11-07 13:43:45 UTC] <main>  INFO: indexing file: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:46 UTC] <main>  INFO: Update check complete.
[2019-11-07 13:43:48 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Attempting refresh of configuration data from
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Configuration refresh successful.
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  WARN: The following option was specified but is not recognized: -TxHeaders
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [2.0.0]
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: OS identifier: Mac OS X 10.14.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Memory: [JVM] 1057M free, 1108M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 65M free, 4096M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Client: altool 4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Upload mode selected.
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1047M free, 1108M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 65M free, 4096M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForTransportDiscovery
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Client = altool
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ClientVersion = 4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.14.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-11-07T13:43:49+00:00
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 0.18623192
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u [REDACTED] -vp json -TxHeaders eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZSwieC10eC1kY3JvdXRlIjoicHYifQ== -sessionid @env:F8B2E02B-E090-4E3B-B34C-8113F540E885 -sharedsecret **hidden value** -f /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Version = 2.0.0
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: id = 20191107134349-406
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: xxxxxxxx-7973-42e7-xxxx-8b57df65e116-0001
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter PreferredTransports = [Signiant, Aspera, DAV, HTTP]
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransportHosts.Signiant = []
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SessionExpiration = 2019-11-11T13:43:49.382Z
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransportHosts.DAV = []
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransportHosts.Aspera = [,]
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false}
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Transporter's command line arguments are: -m upload -u [REDACTED] -vp json -TxHeaders eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZSwieC10eC1kY3JvdXRlIjoicHYifQ== -sessionid @env:F8B2E02B-E090-4E3B-B34C-8113F540E885 -sharedsecret **hidden value** -f /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-AF8F-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Examining the package at: /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file...
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Getting case-sensitive metadata xml filename...
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package ...
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG:   metadata.xml will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG:   MyProjectDEV.ipa will be verified by Apple's web service to determine if it is a valid file.
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DEBUG:   Case-sensitive metadata filename is: metadata.xml
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","description":"Analyzing metadata","index":0},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: Performing authentication of package xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp ...
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1033M free, 1108M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 62M free, 4096M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":2,"description":"Analyzing metadata","index":1},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 604 bytes to 448
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateMetadata
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Client = altool
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ClientVersion = 4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Files = [metadata.xml, MyProjectDEV.ipa]
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Metadata = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package version="software5.4" xmlns="">
    <software_assets apple_id="xxxxxxxxxx"
        <asset type="bundle">
                <checksum type="md5">eeae0d08a0bb0a89905416133efe9fb6</checksum>

Detail log (part 2 of 2):

[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataChecksum = b38c08a362274e50734f422be5db7597
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataInfo = {app_platform=ios, primary_bundle_identifier=, device_id=,, packageVersion=software5.4, apple_id=xxxxxxxxxx, asset_types=[bundle], bundle_version=67, bundle_short_version_string=1.0.23}
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.14.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter PackageName = xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter PackageSize = 117167381
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-11-07T13:43:49+00:00
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u [REDACTED] -vp json -TxHeaders eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZSwieC10eC1kY3JvdXRlIjoicHYifQ== -sessionid @env:F8B2E02B-E090-4E3B-B34C-8113F540E885 -sharedsecret **hidden value** -f /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Version = 2.0.0
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: id = 20191107134349-836
[2019-11-07 13:43:49 UTC] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 99fb833e-7973-42e7-932b-8b57df65e116-0001
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SessionExpiration = 2019-11-11T13:43:49.682Z
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, developer-id-package={extensions=[zip, pkg, dmg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Success = true
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false}
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, MyProjectDEV.ipa]
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=MyProjectDEV.ipa, ShouldDescribeAsset=true,}]
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = xxxxxxxx-6877-4af0-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/1573134229989
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Checksums = {MyProjectDEV.ipa=eeae0d08a0bb0a89905416133efe9fb6}
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter FileSizes = {MyProjectDEV.ipa=117166777}
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ProviderNameForToken = 7Q3NPQ5PTT
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main>  INFO: The list of files requested for upload by Apple is: [metadata.xml, MyProjectDEV.ipa].  These are the files that will be uploaded.
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main>  INFO: Starting media analysis of assets
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Handling asset: filename=MyProjectDEV.ipa,,role=source,describe=true
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":3,"description":"Adding asset to analyze:","index":2,"asset":"MyProjectDEV.ipa"},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Using container type tool name and version: iOS App Describer:1.26
[2019-11-07 13:43:50 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Using path: /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp/MyProjectDEV.ipa
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: description length:0
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Asset description: 
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Asset successfully described:$1@6dfa915a
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 589 bytes to 366
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main>  INFO: Asset media analysis has completed
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1089M free, 1132M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 323M free, 4096M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: lookupTransportDiagnostic
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Client = altool
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ClientVersion = 4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.14.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-11-07T13:44:27+00:00
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u [REDACTED] -vp json -TxHeaders eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZSwieC10eC1kY3JvdXRlIjoicHYifQ== -sessionid @env:F8B2E02B-E090-4E3B-B34C-8113F540E885 -sharedsecret **hidden value** -f /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Version = 2.0.0
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main>  INFO: id = 20191107134427-220
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 99fb833e-7973-42e7-932b-8b57df65e116-0001
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter AsperaLoggingLevel = OFF
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SigniantLoggingLevel = OFF
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SessionExpiration = 2019-11-11T13:44:27.664Z
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StreamingSettings = {LogStreamingEnabled=true, MultipartUploadsEnabled=true, AssetDescriptionStreamingEnabled=false}
[2019-11-07 13:44:27 UTC] <main>  INFO: Signiant TransferEngine build
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <main>  INFO: Using Signiant UDP transport
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <main>  INFO: Transfer engine:
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTING
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <Transport Protocol Seeker>  INFO: Processing URL list: mxwan://
[2019-11-07 13:44:28 UTC] <Connector: UDP>  INFO: Trying UDP
[2019-11-07 13:45:17 UTC] <Transport Protocol Seeker>  INFO: Connected to UDP
[2019-11-07 13:45:17 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: Authenticating
[2019-11-07 13:46:06 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is AWAITING_DATA_STREAMS
[2019-11-07 13:46:06 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: Setting up data streams
[2019-11-07 13:46:07 UTC] <Data Stream 0 (0)>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is CONNECTED
[2019-11-07 13:46:07 UTC] <Data Stream 0 (0)>  INFO: Connected using WAN accelerator
[2019-11-07 13:46:08 UTC] <File Progress Event Thread>  INFO:      File: 495d93f6-2048-4a86-b0cb-0f885691d8b97774205802647476274.txt 11/11, 100% completed
[2019-11-07 13:46:08 UTC] <Data Channel Controller> DBG-X: The status for the file, 495d93f6-2048-4a86-b0cb-0f885691d8b97774205802647476274.txt, is TRANSFERRED.
[2019-11-07 13:46:08 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
[2019-11-07 13:46:08 UTC] <Transport Protocol>  INFO: The Signiant transfer engine's status is DISCONNECTED
[2019-11-07 13:46:08 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":3,"description":"Validating assets","index":3},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Using token file path /Users/vagrant/Library/Caches/
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Attempting exclusive file lock on token file
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DEBUG: Set token: xxxxxxxx-6877-4af0-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/1573134229989
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1102M free, 1154M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 289M free, 4096M total (Swap) 0 free, 0 total
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":3,"description":"Validating assets","index":4},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 604 bytes to 448
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateAssets
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation input parameters:
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter BaseVersion = 1.13.0
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter CPUToken = xxxxxxxx-6877-4af0-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/1573134229989
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Client = altool
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ClientVersion = 4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Files = [metadata.xml, MyProjectDEV.ipa]
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataChecksum = b38c08a362274e50734f422be5db7597
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MetadataInfo = {app_platform=ios, primary_bundle_identifier=, device_id=,, packageVersion=software5.4, apple_id=xxxxxxxxxx, asset_types=[bundle], bundle_version=67, bundle_short_version_string=1.0.23}
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.14.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter PackageName = xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter PackageSize = 117167381
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter RequestUUID = xxxxxxxx-5a2c-430f-xxxx-ee1202f077b8
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2019-11-07T13:46:18+00:00
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter StreamingInfoList = [file: 280e3c12-2a25-4d62-9dea-361b2c568e451066607882664530785.swinfo.plist.gz, content-length: 473586, content-type: application/binary, MD5: 8ef16ac2b6cd59308672380dc9c0b5a3]
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Transport = Signiant
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u [REDACTED] -vp json -TxHeaders eyJqZW5nYSI6dHJ1ZSwieC10eC1kY3JvdXRlIjoicHYifQ== -sessionid @env:xxxxxxxx-E090-4E3B-xxxx-8113F540E885 -sharedsecret **hidden value** -f /var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=altool -Dtransporter.client.version=4.00 (1181)
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Version = 2.0.0
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main>  INFO: id = 20191107134618-918
[2019-11-07 13:46:18 UTC] <main>  INFO: iTMSTransporter Correlation Key: 99fb833e-xxxx-42e7-xxxx-8b57df65e116-xxxx
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Apple's web service operation return value:
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter EnableJWTForAllCalls = false
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter RestartClient = false
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, developer-id-package={extensions=[zip, pkg, dmg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Success = false
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Errors = [ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page ("]
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, MyProjectDEV.ipa]
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=MyProjectDEV.ipa, ShouldDescribeAsset=true,}]
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Checksums = {MyProjectDEV.ipa=eeae0d08a0bb0a89905416133efe9fb6}
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter FileSizes = {MyProjectDEV.ipa=117166777}
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ErrorCode = 1102
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X:   parameter Warnings = [WARNING ITMS-90703: "Deprecated Xcode Build. Due to resolved app archives issues, we have deprecated Xcode 11.2 on November 5, 2019. Download Xcode 11.2.1 or newer, rebuild your app and resubmit."]
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page ("
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X: The error code is: 1102
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main>  INFO: Done performing authentication.
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main>  INFO: JSON:{"msg":{"phase":"Upload","count":3,"description":"Operation failed","index":3},"messageType":"VerifyProgress"}
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main>  INFO: The following warnings were received from Apple's web service ...
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main>  WARN: WARNING ITMS-90703: "Deprecated Xcode Build. Due to resolved app archives issues, we have deprecated Xcode 11.2 on November 5, 2019. Download Xcode 11.2.1 or newer, rebuild your app and resubmit."
[2019-11-07 13:46:39 UTC] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1
2019-11-07 13:46:39.848 altool[5430:25508]  Out:
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
	/var/folders/6q/wgy6jtp12w5gzgm9lzcglpqw0000gn/T/xxxxxxxx-1F46-4E01-xxxx-70595A6389AC/xxxxxxxxxx.itmsp - Error Messages:
		ERROR ITMS-90534: "Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page ("
2019-11-07 13:46:39.868 altool[5430:25500] *** Error: Errors uploading '/Users/vagrant/deploy/MyProjectDEV.ipa': (
    "Error Domain=ITunesTransporterErrorDomain Code=-18000 \"ERROR ITMS-90534: \"Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (\"\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=ERROR ITMS-90534: \"Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (\", NSLocalizedDescription=ERROR ITMS-90534: \"Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (\", NSLocalizedFailureReason=ERROR ITMS-90534: \"Invalid Toolchain. Your app was built with an unsupported version of Xcode or SDK. If you plan to submit this build to the App Store, make sure you are using the GM version of Xcode 10.1 and the SDK for iOS 12.1 and watchOS 5.1, Xcode 7.1 and the SDK for tvOS 9, or Xcode 6 and the SDK for macOS 10.9 or later. If you are using an Xcode beta version to test your app, make sure you are using the latest supported version. For more information about supported beta versions, view the App Store Connect What's New page (\"}"
Uploading IPA failed: exit status 176
|                                                                              |
| x | deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader@0... (exit code: 1)| 3.9 min  |
| Issue tracker: ...ib/steps-deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader/issues |
| Source: .../bitrise-steplib/steps-deploy-to-itunesconnect-application-loader |

I had the same problem, just download Xcode 11.2.1 (11B53)… That solved my problem…

Hey everyone! I just want to iterate that the Xcode 11.2.1 is now available! - it took the place of the previously existing 11.2 stack, so this issue shouldn’t be present anymore at all! :tada:

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