iOS auto provisioning step fails

During last week (was working fine before) we are getting this error with the auto provisioning step in all of our apps.

registering device
Failed to register device: POST 409
- ENTITY_ERROR.ATTRIBUTE.INVALID: An attribute in the provided entity has invalid value: An invalid value '3D7FADF5-D61B-5F6B-A254-XXXXXXXXX' was provided for the parameter 'udid'.

Nothing changed from our side regarding the App Store connect API keys etc.

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Hi @nikosm!

It appears this build started failing that someone on your team added a test device with the value that’s printed out, which appears to be incorrect at least the “XXXXXXXXX” part. This can be solved by you removing this device, in case you haven’t yet.

If you’re unsure who added this device, you can go to your app’s Team tab and check the list of your devices at the bottom of the page.

That did the trick! Thanks a lot!

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