iOS Auto Provision with App Store Connect API step breaks Fastlane increment_build_number

We recently moved from using the iOS Auto Provision with Apple ID step to the App Store Connect API version - latest version for both.

Using the App Store Connect API step though, our fastlane script no longer updates the build number correctly, with an error about unable to find the xcodeproj files:

**[16:09:35]: ------------------------------------**

** [16:09:35]: — Step: increment_build_number —**
** [16:09:35]: ------------------------------------**
** There does not seem to be a CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION key set for this project. Add this key to your target’s expert build settings.**
** [16:09:37]: $ cd /Users/vagrant/git && agvtool new-version -all 50 && cd -**
** [16:09:38]: â–¸ Setting version of project [my_project_here] to:**
** [16:09:38]: â–¸ 50.**
** [16:09:38]: â–¸ Also setting CFBundleVersion key (assuming it exists)**
** [16:09:38]: ▸ Updating CFBundleVersion in Info.plist(s)…**
** [16:09:38]: â–¸ Cannot find "[insert output from .xcodeproj file]**
** [16:09:38]: â–¸ /Users/vagrant/git**

Moving back to using the Apple ID method of fetching provisioning profiles makes the increment_build_number script work correctly again.

I’d much prefer to use the App Store Connect API approach but this issue is preventing us from doing that.


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