I don‘t know what you mean exactly. The certificate that’s used (expires 2018-11-17) is the one that I use in Xcode (it’s automatically created), the others are from other developers in my team (using the same account) and I don’t have access to those. Also, why is the certificate that expires in November „old“ whereas the one from April is „latest“?
I used codesigndoc tool to export the certificates and uploaded those. Version 0.9.7 complained about old certs as well but worked.
This is the build that works (0.9.7): Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
And this one fails (1.0): Bitrise - Mobile Continuous Integration and Delivery - iOS & Android Build Automation
I don’t know why it complains about an older version as the certificate which expires on Sept 6th, 2018 is the newest one.
Provided an older version of iPhone Distribution: Our Company (xxx) certificate (serial: SERIAL_NR expire: 2018-09-06 13:02:24 UTC),
please download the most recent version from the Apple Developer Portal (serial: SERIAL_NR expire: 2018-08-23 09:54:57 UTC) and use it on Bitrise!
Hi @matthias.buchetics,
that is true, the step incorrectly printed this message, this will be also fixed in the new version.
Do you have any idea how to fix my problems or should I wait for the next version and stay on 0.9.7 until then?
We are OK for now. The solution is to ensure it is always using the enterprise bundle identifier, and signing identity when “automatically manage signing” is checked.
Hi, we released a new version of the step, please have a look on it and let us know how does it work for you: iOS Auto Provision v1.0.1
Version 1.0.1 fixed all my issues! Thank you for the quick response.
Glad to hear and thanks for reporting @matthias.buchetics!
@viktorbenei unfortunately another issue popped up, that I described here: iOS Auto Provision v1.0.1
Please take a look.
Looking into it, will continue/reply there