Introducing "Step Bundles" on Bitrise ๐ŸŽ‰

Hey Bitrise community,

Weโ€™re thrilled to announce the release of an exciting new feature: Step Bundles!

:package: What are Step Bundles?

Step Bundles are curated collections of Steps that serve a specific purpose within your workflows. They provide you with a pre-packaged set of Steps to accomplish these tasks quickly and effectively.

Think about the tasks that you repeat across your workflows - cloning git repository, installing dependencies, running unit tests, sending a slack notification, and the like. You can create step bundles for these and use it across multilpe workflows. You might think

:face_with_monocle: Step Bundles vs. Utility Workflows

Step Bundles are different from Utility Workflows. Hereโ€™s how Step Bundles stand out:

  • Flexibility:You can use Step Bundles anywhere in a workflow. Utility workflows can only be used at the beginning or the end of the main workflow (and not anywhere in the middle).
  • Modularity: If you are an enterprise user, you can use the Modular YAML feature to modularize steps or groups of steps into separate YAML files.

:star: Why Step Bundles?

We know that building and maintaining workflows can sometimes be a complex and time-consuming process. Step Bundles aim to simplify this by:

  • Reducing setup time: With Step Bundles, you can quickly add a group of related Steps to your workflow without having to configure each one individually.
  • Ensuring consistency: By using predefined Step Bundles, you can maintain consistency across different projects and teams.

:information_source: Limitations and whatโ€™s next

  • Currently, you can only create and edit step bundles via the YAML. You cannot create or edit step bundles via the UI, but thatโ€™s coming soon. Watch this space!

:books: Want to dive deeper?

Check out our comprehensive guide here. This document provides detailed information on how to get started, as well as tips and tricks for making the most out of this new feature.

Happy Building!

The Bitrise Team :rocket:

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