Hi, my project’s build number is updated after “Set Xcode Project Build Number” step
I’m trying to commit and push incremented build number to my repository
My script:
git branch
git add $BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR/Sources/Classes/Applications/Info.plist
git commit -m “App build version has been updated”
git push origin develop
But build fails with error:
git branch
(HEAD detached at 6544491)
git add /Users/vagrant/git/Sources/Classes/Applications/Info.plist
fatal: pathspec ‘/Users/vagrant/git/Sources/Classes/Applications/Info.plist’ did not match any files
| |
| x | script@1.1.6 (exit code: 128) | 3.01 sec |
Could you please help me or show an example how to do such commit?
Hi @max.kryuchkov111, I understand, but that’s exactly what the "Set Xcode Project Build Number” step is doing. Assuming that you will be deploying your application from Bitrise’s Virtual Machine’s, you don’t actually have to modify the value of this number in your repo at all, you just have to make sure it gets incremented properly on the virtual machine
In fact, if you do commit new numbers to your repository, you don’t really need to step to automatically increment it for you.
I’m getting a 404 not found on this can you please paste the URL from the builds page here? That allows us to download the logs and see metadata about the build.