How can I get a link to a specific step within a build?


I’d like to migrate away from the Bitrise Github App that adds a Github Status Check to PRs, and towards something that provides more granular information. I believe I can get there with the Github Status integration. The end result will be something that looks similar to this, with the individual steps of a build broken out:

When creating a build status, you are able to give it a target_url, which will be navigated to when the user clicks the Details link at the right of the status (see screenshot above).

I know I can get a url that points to a bitrise build. Is there a way to get a link that points to a specific step in a bitrise build? I would like to allow developers to navigate to a step directly within a bitrise build, rather than hunting through the build logs themselves.


Thank you so much for your post, I looked into your question and it doesn’t look like at the moment there is a way to get a link exclusively pointing to a step in a Bitrise build, I even looked into the API to see if there was a query where the link could be extracted from and it does not seem to be the case, I apologize that there currently doesn’t seem to be a way to accomplish this.

Best regards

Thanks for looking into this Lex - appreciate it!

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