Fastlane / Deliver / Deploy to iTunes Connect (with deliver) fails with iTMSTransporter / Transporter error

Error is something like:

[07:02:53]: e[31m[Transporter Error Output]: description length:3236127
[07:03:28]: e[31m[Transporter Error Output]: Could not start delivery: all transports failed diagnostics
[07:03:28]: e[31mTransporter transfer failed.e[0m
[07:03:28]: e[31mdescription length:3236127
Could not start delivery: all transports failed diagnostics
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter] Package Summary:
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter]  
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter] 1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter] 	/var/folders/90/5stft2v13fb_m_gv3c8x9nwc0000gn/T/d20180301-1486-1c7710g/1329781688.itmsp - Error Messages:
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter] 		description length:3236127
[07:03:28]: e[33m[iTMSTransporter] 		Could not start delivery: all transports failed diagnostics

It seems this is a fastlane issue / caused by a recent change (2018 March 01) on the iTunes Connect API. See:

As suggested there the solution can be to specify the DELIVER_ITMSTRANSPORTER_ADDITIONAL_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS env var to the value -t DAV

You can set this in the Workflow Editor, on the Env Vars tab:

  • value: -t DAV

This should fix the this issue.

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I ended up creating a duplicated issue for the same problem (sorry): Fastlane / Deliver / Deploy to iTunes Connect (with deliver) fails with iTMSTransporter / Transporter error

I’ve created a PR with an approach that could solve the problem on a more scalable manner. Please, give you feedback about

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PR merged, update for Deploy to iTunes Connect / TestFlight (with Deliver) step will be released in a couple of minutes!

Fix for the Deploy to iTunes Connect / TestFlight (with Deliver) step was just released into the StepLib, in version 2.13.0

If you use this step simply upgrade it to 2.13.0

If you use fastlane then add the env var as explained above at Fastlane / Deliver / Deploy to iTunes Connect (with deliver) fails with iTMSTransporter / Transporter error

I already have this setup in my Fastfile:

before_all do

I was able to successfully compile once last week, and upload it to App Store. But then when I tried it again today, I got the error message above.

Should I still add this in the env vars in Bitrise even if it’s already declared in my Fastfile?

Hi @tolentinokas! Is this persistently happening? If so, can you send us a link to the build so we can check out the logs? :slight_smile:

Hi. Not anymore. I rebuilt and it seems the problem was gone. :smile:

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