Deploy to iTunes Connect


Now that apple has enforced 2fa the step Deploy to iTunes Connect fails for me. I have connected the developer account and authenticated via 2fa but that doesn’t fix it. The error I get is

/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/highline-1.7.10/lib/highline/question.rb:413:in remove_whitespace': [!] undefined method strip' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

I tried moving to Deploy to iTunes Connect - Application Loader but I’m unable to because it forces me to use secret vars (we use a local bitrise.yml file and our secret vars are on bitrise)

Link to latest failed build

Hy there, You should provide the account name and password and also the app specific password to be able to deploy if Im correct.


The new version (2.15.0) of the Deploy to iTunes Connect Deliver step will support the 2fa for the Apple developer account (it will be available in the next hours).

“I tried moving to Deploy to iTunes Connect - Application Loader but I’m unable to because it forces me to use secret vars (we use a local bitrise.yml file and our secret vars are on bitrise)”

  • If you want to run your build locally you can create a .bitrise.secrets.yml with your secrets next to your Bitrise.yml.

  • If you store your bitrise.yml in your repo it’s still not a problem.
    The website will send down the secrets to the VM from the so your bitrise.yml from your repo will use them just like if you store your bitrise.yml on Bitrise.

Thanks for the reply, I will update the next time we need to deploy to the store!

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